Why Irish Politicians need design.

The design of campaign posters is important, but in the grand scheme of what the elections represent, the importance is quite small. What I have noticed over my time living in Ireland for over 20 years is the lack of design in the creation of policies.  Now what I mean by design is the User Centre approach to problem solving. So for example if we are creating a policy are we as Politicians involving the user in the creation of these policies? 

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Using design and branding to help Teachers do what they do best.

There are many parts to a brands identity and it is something that is evolving all the time. Brand identities have to exist in many places. Most of what you see of the brand identity is visual, above the surface. What underpins or exist below the surface is the service itself. How the school is run day today.

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Startup with design!

don't think Skynet is going to take over anytime soon. And I don't think you have to worry if your name is John Conner, but these advances in Artificially intelligence are really moving fast. The tech report highlights many areas of design and related areas. One section of the reports stated that 88% of Designers surveyed believed that it will be at least 5 years before visual Designers are replaced.

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The importance of branding guidelines for your business

Have you ever received a set of broachers back from the Printer only for your heart to skip a beat because they were just not what you asked for? You thought that what you had articulated to the guy or girl in the print shop was enough to get the branded broachers that you were after. This is a scenario that happens often where time and money are wasted because the Designer in the print shop had no reference to work from, nothing to spark inspiration, no visual identity to work from. 

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Does the beautiful game have a beautiful logo

Established in 1992, the Premier League is, not to be redundant, the premier English professional league. As a corporation, it is owned by its own 20 member clubs that act as shareholders and gives them the ability to negotiate their own broadcast licensing and sponsorship deals independent of the Football Association, which is the governing body of association football in England.

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